Monday 14 October 2013

New school

 Tarzan and Jane
 Hanging out by the grapes
A Princess in her tower

These photos were taken in the weekend before the kids started school. Unforetunately the weather hasn't been as great for their first few days of school. It seems to like to rain just on pick up time!


  1. How has your first few days gone Charlie and Liv? Who are the friends you have made? Do they like dinosaurs? Liam would like to know what your classroom is like. Can you tell us a little bit about it?
    What an awesome playground! The princess tower reminds us of the towers at the maze in Wanaka.
    We really miss you.

    1. Hi room 6 and Mrs Kitto. The desks in my classroom have our maths, reading and writing books inside them. My classroom has an interactive wallboard instead of a interactive whiteboard. We have music time only for my class.
      From Charlie

  2. Wow Charlie and Liv, that playground looks fantastic. You have nearly finished your first week in your new school. How is it going? Do you have a reading cycle and an art table Liv?
    That tower really is tall enough for a princess Liv!
    Take care,
    Room 5

    1. Hi room 5 and Miss Tyrell. We don't have a reading cycle, at reading time we go into groups and move to different activities. I got a welcome certificate today at assembly. Next week is show day, I am going to make a cat pet rock to enter and some of the kids are bringing animals to school.
      From Liv
